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金屬貨箱系列 - 貨板類真的有網 !! Die-cast Cargo Set Update - Pallet Cargo

金屬貨箱系列 - 貨板類真的有網 !!! Die-cast Cargo Set Update - Pallet Cargo (Read more for English Version)


上星期跟生產作最後溝通,我地表明貨板類的款式不論1/200 1/400 都要加網,在團隊的努力下,終於在每一款的貨板都加上了黑網。之前在找材料的時候也用了些時間,在生產比較少有格網比較細的網子,尤其是要包在1/400的貨上。最後團隊也找到比較適合的網可以用在1/400 跟 1/200的貨箱上。


Die-cast Cargo Set Update - Pallet Cargo

The Die-cast Cargo set is one of our Main item in 2020. Today we are going to share our latest update of the production of the Die-cast Cargo Set.

We had several communication with the factory and try to add the net in our pallet cargo. The factory also spent some time to find the suitable net to fit both of the 1/400 and 1/200 pallet cargo.

Finally, we did it ! We found a prefect net for 1/400 and 1/200. The sample of the pallet cargo are also become the real cargo in the airport.

We will put the Die-cast Cargo set in our pre-order list asap. Hope all of you can support us !

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